Dangers of DIY Asbestos Removal

Why You Should Leave It to The Professionals?


DIY is a term you hear frequently. Most likely, you probably know what it stands for. “Do-it-yourself” just like the name suggests, it’s a straightforward concept.

There are many DIY ideas. Some are equally fun. For example, you are trying on the different ways of styling your hair. Whilst, others will expose you to danger. Case in point, a DIY that involves asbestos removal exposes you to health risks. Here, you will need a professional to handle it. Someone who has proper training on removing these harmful materials. Our friends from Asbestos Removal Brisbane  have helped us identify the dangers of doing asbestos removal yourself.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a group of silicate minerals that occur naturally. It is made up of stringy, thin, microscopic fibers.

It was widely used for making insulating materials, fireproof clothing, and roofing sheets

The six different types of Asbestos are:

  • Chrysotile (white)
  • Amosite (brown)
  • Crocidolite (blue)
  • Tremolite
  • Anthophyllite
  • Actinolite

Why is Asbestos Banned in Australia?

Australia was among the countries that had a high case of Mesothelioma. It is a rare case of cancer caused by asbestos exposure.  Hence,  a total ban of asbestos usage took effect last December 31,2003. It  was implemented across Australia. Furthermore, an authorized agency has been tasked to monitor the import and export of goods. They ensure that no asbestos containing materials could enter and exit the border.

Risks of Doing Asbestos Removal Yourself


1) Exposure to diseases

Inhaling the fibers or exposure to asbestos can lead to diseases such as asbestosis and pleural plaque. Many Australian homes built before 1990 still contain asbestos-based materials.

Carrying out the removal yourself put you at risk of developing cancer or other deadly diseases.

2) Accidents

Asbestos roofing becomes fragile over time due to weather elements. You may not understand or be aware of this. Then, you run the risk of breaking it apart, releasing harmful fibers into the air.

Accidents may also result from climbing ladders and working in higher spaces.

3)  Physical injuries

A single asbestos sheet can weigh around 35-50 kilograms. Such weight could lead to muscle strain and injury during handling.

4) Ill-fitting equipment

The recommended asbestos removal equipment is costly and expensive. Cheaper alternatives will likely not provide the proper protection.

5) Wrong removal expertise

Even before removal starts, asbestos fibers may float around. You are likely to forget to make the asbestos wet. Keeping it wet might look time-wasting. After all, you can still remove it dry, right? This will expose you to the fibers making it very harmful.

Wearing the proper gear is mandatory. Put on a prescribed PPE when removing asbestos. In addition to, The fibers can lodge to surfaces when work site is not properly sealed.  Hence, Putting others at risk of exposure.

Symptoms of Asbestos Exposure

Long-term asbestos exposure doesn’t manifest until 10-40 years later. The severity of the symptoms may vary. The signs and symptoms of asbestosis include:

  • A persistent, dry cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Chest tightness, sometimes with pain
  • Toes and fingertips appearing rounder and broader than usual (clubbing)

Reasons of hiring a licensed asbestos contractor

  • Peace of mind
  • Reduce the risk of asbestos exposure
  • Accesses to authorized asbestos disposal locations
  • Liability insurance




Asbestos removal is a sensitive procedure. You need to have a deep understanding of the whole process. Otherwise, it may lead to a massive disaster.  Thus, if you think you’re incapable of doing the removal yourself then you must hire someone who can properly do the job  for you.